
June 2023 Newsletter

Published Tue 20 Jun 2023

AW Annual General Meeting Results

Athletics Wollongong's 2023 AGM was held on June 12th at the Tennis Club.  As an incorporated association, such a meeting has to be held to present the club financials to members and to hold elections for the following season's committee.  If any current member who was unable to attend the meeting would like to see the Annual Report, please send an email to to receive a copy.

Some superstars returned in their positions along with a couple of new faces: welcome to the Committee Donna Hiscox (Joint Athletes' Representative) and Geoff Stalker (Winter Competition Coordinator)!

You can see a full list of the incoming 2023/24 Committee in this separate news item.  Note that there remain a few vacancies to be filled and we are keen to hear from anyone who has an interest:

  • Junior Athletes' Representative - this role represents the viewpoint of junior athletes of the club at Committee Meetings.  It could be held either by a parent of a young member, or by a junior athlete (16-19yo) directly; perhaps with a view to them 'graduating' to a full Committee role in the future.
  • Publicity Officer - promoting club/athlete news to an audience outside of AW via newspaper, radio, TV, other websites, etc. (NB - this is separate to the Mercury columnist position, which will continue to be held by Dave Ross)
  • Fundraising & Sponsorships Officer - coordinate volunteers for the club's fundraising events; pursue appropriate sponsorship of the club, deals for members, and donations of prizes
  • Grants Officer - seek grants and pursue funding to aid the club and its members

Last season's Equipment Officer (Phil Frkovic) and Wednesday Comp Coordinator (Simon Harmey) didn't nominate ahead of the meeting, but have subsequently agreed to continue in those respective roles for 2023/24 after no other nominations were received.  Given their initial reticence, this could be an opportunity for someone else with an interest to job-share this season with a view for taking over at some time in the future.  Talk to us!

Note that if the positions don't get filled then either the work doesn't get done, or existing Committee members have to fit any must-do extras around their regular duties.  Either way, the club member experience may be left as sub-optimal.  We're not asking for heroes, just people who have a couple of hours per month to spare.  Contact us for an obligation-free chat if you want to hear more.


NSW All Schools Changes

Latest in a suite of announcements recently made by Athletics NSW (more on those as the 2023/24 Season approaches) are a big change to the NSW All Schools Track and Field Championships.  The event has proven increasing popular in recent years, and - to ensure it continues to be held at the high standard to which participants deserve and expect - it will now be split across two weekends.

Secondary school students aged 12-15 will contest events from October 6th - 8th.  While those who are older, will be competing two weeks earlier: on the 23rd through 25th September.

You can read ANSW's statement regarding the change HERE.


Australian Representation

Em O’Sullivan represented Australia at the World Mountain Running and Trail Running Championships in Austria earlier this month.  This is an incredible achievement for any athlete: let alone one in their first season of competitive athletics...who happens to be a grandmother!

Emma was selected in the Australian open-aged team, following her podium finish at March's National Mountain Running Championships.  Having made the team, Em was chosen to contest the "Vertical" race: an easy-sounding 7.5km from start to finish BUT virtually all of those metres were uphill, ascending over 1000m across the distance.

It looked more like torture than a running race!  Em called it "one of the most amazing and most challenging days of [her] life".  Her finishing position was 91st, but anyone who watches the race (see it HERE) would know that just crossing the line was a victory.  Incredible work, Em!


Youth Commonwealth Games

Also soon to don the green and gold are Chelsy Wayne and Delta Amidzovski!  They have been selected in the Australian athletics team contesting the Youth Commonwealth Games.  Chelsy will be throwing the discus, while Delta will be in both the 100m Hurdles and the Long Jump.

The Games will be held in Trinidad and Tobago from August 1st-11th.  We hope our clubmates have a wonderful experience and we wish them every success!


ANSW Winter Calendar

ANSW's Winter Championship calendar continues, with the NSW Cross Country Championships being held last weekend.

Emma O'Sullivan was barely off the plane back from Austria, before she was "enjoying" the Tapitallee cross country course and taking out the Women's 45-49 division.

Winning the U15 Para Men's race was clubmate Xavier Wilson, with Kaja Wolter coming 2nd in the U15 Women's, and Rosie Boyland 3rd in the Open Women's Para event.

Athletics Wollongong also entered a team in the ANSW Cross Country Relays, with Anthony Howlett, Peter Kidd, Scott Bazley and Tom Schambron contesting the 40+ division.  Our first representatives at this event in a long time, they were able to cross the line in 9th position.

Doing her best to popularise the walks among her clubmates, Romina Garcia contested the NSW Short Walks Championships.  She took out the 40-44 Women's division and is desperate to hear from anyone who will join her in a team at next year's Walks Relays.

Upcoming ANSW events are listed on their calendar HERE.


Winter Membership

ANSW have a new competitive member registration available that is active only from April 1st to September 30th; it's called a 'Winter' membership.  This gives athletes eligibility to compete in the cross country and walking Championships.  Note that if you already hold a full competitive membership with Athletics Wollongong - i.e. Dual, Concession or Open - then you DO NOT need to purchase this Winter membership to contest Winter events.  Your existing membership is valid all the way until the end of the season (September 30th) and you already have eligibility to enter these events.

If you're a Volunteer or Community member who wishes to contest the upcoming Championships though, you'll have to upgrade your existing membership to Winter via the club website.  Just login and follow the Upgrade Membership link.


Winter Distance Pointscore Competition

Athletics Wollongong's Winter Distance Pointscore continues, with the competition window going until the end of August. 

To participate, members can contest any parkrun event, held at various locations from 8am on Saturday mornings.  There are local editions at Sandon Point, North Wollongong, Killalea and Bowral but, if you're traveling or on holiday, you can find plenty more listed at  You'll also need to create a free profile on that site and associate yourself with Athletics Wollongong (else alert our Winter Season Co-ordinator of your performances within a day or two of them happening; send an email to 

Participants' top six age-graded performance percentages over this time will be averaged to determine the overall winners (and Most Improved if you also participated last year).  You can find more info regarding it all HERE.

This year we'll also be having a lucky draw, with each parkrun you participate in, earning you another chance at winning.  You can see who's putting their name in the barrel if you follow this link:  Let's get running!


Athletics Wollongong 'hosts' a parkrun

As a 'thank you' for providing the arena for our Winter Distance Pointscore Competition, AW will be providing the volunteers for the parkrun event on August 5th at North Wollongong.  It's a great opportunity to throw on some AW clobber and let participants know it'll only be a few scant weeks later that our 2023/24 Season will kick off.

If you'd like to help out, more information on the roles available are located here:  Express your interest to


Officials Courses

Obtaining the early levels of accreditations is free and can be completed at home, at your own pace. To learn more about the Scheme and to start your online learning, please visit:

Anyone associated with the club who starts and completes their Level 1 accreditation this off-season is due a prize!  If you start now, itt's pretty much one short course every week until we're back in October.

We need more officials!  It's fun and rewarding, while also giving our members the best possible competitive experience. 


Tennis Club Membership

The Wollongong Tennis Club - our neighbours in the Beaton Park Sporting Precinct - is a sponsor of our club this season.  AW will earn a percentage of the money spent at the bar by Tennis Club members who are our affiliates!

Tennis Club memberships start from as little as $10 for 1 year and $5 for age pensioners. To join up, complete your membership form - either available at the venue or online here: - noting 'Athletics Wollongong' as your club affiliation.  If you're an existing Tennis club member, ask them to affiliate your membership with us.  Submit your form and enjoy the savings!


Coming Dates


Contact Details

Email with athletics news to include in our regular Illawarra Mercury column.  Send other enquiries to

See our Facebook and Instagram for more timely alerts, news and fun.


