
AW's 2023/24 Committee Elected

Published Wed 14 Jun 2023

The Athletics Wollongong AGM was held on June 12th at Wollongong Tennis Club.

Following the election of officeholders and support position holders, the 2023/24 Athletics Wollongong Committee will shape up as:

Management Committee

President: Michael McClelland
Vice President: Tom Schambron
Treasurer: Ros Perry    
Secretary: William Tyler
Race Secretary: Ros Perry
Publicity Officer: Vacant
Registrar: Peter Kidd
Athletes’ Representative: Anthony Howlett and Donna Hiscox (Joint)
Winter Season Coordinator: Geoff Stalker
Development Officer: Barry McClelland

Support Positions

Junior Athletes’ Rep: Vacant
Uniform Coordinator: Adriana Van Bockel
Recorder: Michael McClelland
Wednesday Meet Equipment Organiser: Vacant (Simon Harmey subsequently nominated)
Equipment Officer: Vacant (Philip Frkovic has subsequently nominated)
Chief Timekeeper: Michael McClelland
Athletics Columnist: Dave Ross
Website Administrator: Ron Perry
Wednesday BBQs Coordinator: Adriana Van Bockel
Fundraising & Sponsorships Officer: Vacant    
Grants Officer: Vacant
External Results Coordinator: Michael McClelland
Archivist: Ros Perry

Public officer: Ron Perry

While the committee will welcome any help - for example, on short-term 'special projects' - as can be seen, a number of positions remain vacant.  The Committee is very keen to hear from people willing to fill these roles:

  • Junior Athletes' Representative - this role represents the viewpoint of junior athletes of the club at Committee Meetings.  It could be held either by a parent of a young member, or by a junior athlete (16-19yo) directly; perhaps with a view to them 'graduating' to a full Committee role in the future.
  • Publicity Officer - promoting club/athlete news to an audience outside of AW via newspaper, radio, TV, other websites, etc. (NB - this is separate to the Mercury columnist position, which will continue to be held by Dave Ross)
  • Fundraising & Sponsorships Officer - coordinate volunteers for the club's fundraising events; pursue appropriate sponsorship of the club, deals for members, and donations of prizes
  • Grants Officer - seek grants and pursue funding to aid the club and its members
