
2023/24 Season Registrations Open!

Published Tue 25 Jul 2023

Welcome to Athletics Wollongong, the reigning Country Club of the Year, dominating the past two seasons!

Join our vibrant community of passionate throwers, jumpers, runners, and walkers, whether you aim for social athletics or national representation.

From 8 to 80+, everyone is welcome to our relaxed weekly track and field meets at Beaton Park, each Wednesday from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, October through March.  Enjoy your free weekends or take on higher-level competitions elsewhere!

Experience all of the track and field events throughout the season, and watch your progress soar. Don't miss our special events with exciting prizes!

Choose the membership that suits your athletic journey.  You can also upgrade to a higher level at no extra cost if your goals change during the season.

What are you waiting for? Join the fun and unleash your potential at Athletics Wollongong!


Athletics NSW (AW's parent organisation) has made some slight changes to how memberships will work in the future.  Rather than registering for a particular season, your membership will now last for 365 days from the date of purchase.

Those who aren't current members of Athletics Wollongong (or another ANSW-affiliated club) can sign up NOW.

Returning members will have to wait until October 4th, noting that their existing 2022/23 membership will last until September 29th.

It makes sense when you consider All-Schools this year.  Members of an ANSW-affiliated club - like Athletics Wollongong - get discounted entry at that event.  All Schools is a great promotion for our sport, but in previous years, participants from outside the club system were disincentivised from joining a club as the season generally finished shortly thereafter (this year entries close in one season, with the comp being held in the next!).  With a new 365-day membership, athletes can receive the entry fee discount AND get full value out of their registration.  Existing members will be able to use their 22/23 registration to sign-up before entries close on September 8th. 

Athletics Wollongong's first meet of the season is on October 18th (to be preceded by a Meet 'n' Greet and Info Session on Oct 4th).  The first ANSW competition of 23/24 is Round 1 of the Treloar Shield on October 14th.  There will be plenty of time for returning members to sign up ahead of both.
